1083979 - Choice Ready K12 Dashboard
Funding Opportunity Details
NDIT Internal Programs
Final Application Deadline: Dec 3, 2024 4:00 PM
Status Editing
Posted Date Sep 4, 2024 4:26 PM
Award Amount RangeNo Limit - $300,000.00
Project Dates 09/01/2024 - 06/30/2025
Award Announcement Date 09/30/2024
Categorical Area
Recurring Opportunity Yes
Program Officer Greg Hoffman
Phone (701) 328-4006 x
Email gahoffman@nd.gov
Purpose of the grant:
The Choice Ready Data Dashboard Expansion Project Grant is designed to increase the number of schools who have access to the Choice Ready Data Dashboard that efficiently accumulates, monitors, and reports students’ progress toward and successful completion of Choice Ready indicators throughout high school to graduation.
Anticipated outcomes that schools may achieve by using the Choice Ready Data Dashboard include:
- Reduce administrator/staff time needed to complete annual Choice Ready reports to the Department of Public Instruction.
- Increase schools’ use of data to make programmatic and school improvement decisions.
- Increase student and family engagement in understanding, using, and monitoring Choice Ready data; and,
- Increase the number of students who graduate Choice Ready.
Background :
High schools in North Dakota are tasked with preparing Choice Ready graduates and as a part of their school accountability measures are charged with demonstrating annual growth in those efforts. Managing the data and using it to make instructional and programmatic data-driven decisions is a challenge for very large districts and for small districts alike. While there is a data reporting portal where annual data can be entered, the accumulation and data management requires significant resources in time, knowledge, and people in every school/district. Also, there is not a consistent way to do this across districts. As the ND State Scholarship will now be linked to Choice Ready, consistency in reporting and qualification takes on a greater need. The development of a Choice Ready Dashboard would allow for a more consistent, efficient, and manageable process of data accumulation, access, analysis, and communication. Stakeholders at all levels will be positively impacted through a greater understanding of the data, communication with students and families throughout their high school experience, support for counselors as they work with students on their 4-year rolling plans, and more efficient school improvement efforts for building leadership teams and principals regarding Choice Ready growth.
Choice Ready Dashboard Project - Expansion
The SEEC Choice Ready Data Dashboard Project began in 2022 in collaboration with 7 ND School Districts (12 High Schools), Leidholm Technologies, and the South East Education Cooperative (SEEC). These entities invested in the development of the Choice Ready Module in the EduCal software platform allowing schools to bring Choice Ready indicator data from multiple sources together in one place for all students in grades 9-12. The automation and efficiencies of this process has been supported by district and school input, collaboration with NDIT and SLDS staff, and consultants. Implementation support plans were also developed to support schools in set-up, onboarding, communication, professional development, reporting, and technical assistance. In summer, 2024, a ND Scholarship Student Report was developed. The opportunity now exists to expand access and features to more ND High Schools.
Eligible Applicants: All ND Public High Schools who complete a Choice Ready Report and are not currently utilizing the Choice Ready Data Dashboard. Each individual school building/campus is eligible to submit one application.
Grant Amounts: A school may apply for the total costs for their school to participate the expansion project listed on the Choice Ready Dashboard Expansion Project – School Costs List. The school costs are based on 2023-24 Student Enrollment Numbers (found on the NDDPI website ), and are inclusive of the fees for: Set-Up, Onboarding, Student licenses, and Ongoing Support & Technical Assistance. Allowable costs will be for the 2024-2025 school year and the 2025-2026 school year.
Funding: $300,000
If a ND high school receives a grant under this section, the online portal or online solution must:
- Automate data pull from multiple sources for career ready indicators
- Provide an interface for engaging parents/families/students
- Show student/cohort progress toward Choice Ready status through grades 9-12
- Allow data managers/principals to use data to identify strengths, trends, and opportunities for improvement
- Standardize the data definitions for individual indicators and promote comparative data analysis
- Demonstrate a reduction in the amount of school/district time spent accumulating, organizing, and reporting data
- Show potential to increase engagement of students/families in understanding and meeting Choice Ready status
- Provide efficient and effective onboarding and support for utilization and reporting
- Compile end of year report for upload/submission to NDDPI (automated/streamlined/save time)
- Allow for input of customized data fields directly by students
Other Requirements:
- Sign data sharing agreement
- Identify Key Roles: Principal Lead, Technology, Counselor
- Licensing Agreement
Description | File Name | Type | Size | Upload Date |
Assurances Document | Choice Ready Data Dashboard Expansion Project - Assurances Document.pdf | 98 KB | 09/05/2024 09:48 AM |
Website links
Description | Link |
Choice Ready - ND Department of Public Instruction | https://www.nd.gov/dpi/districtsschools/essa/accountability-support-improvement/choice-ready |